Ernestas Poškus

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"We must view with profound respect the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge." - Thomas R. Lounsbury

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TAO: Facebook’s Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph

WC 352 / RT 2min

Distributed data store for social graph

TAO is geographically distributed data store that provides efficient and timely access to the social graph using a fixed set of queries. Read optimized, persisted in MySQL.

Inefficient edge lists: A key-value cache is not a good semantic fit for lists of edges; queries must always fetch the entire edge list and changes to a single edge require the entire list to be reloaded.

Distributed control logic: In a lookaside cache architecture the control logic is run on clients that don’t communicate with each other. This increases the number of failure modes, and makes it difficult to avoid thundering herds.

Expensive read-after-write consistency: Facebook uses asynchronous master/slave replication for MySQL, which poses a problem for caches in data centers using a replica. Writes are forwarded to the master, but some time will elapse before they are reflected in the local replica. By restricting the data model to objects and associations we can update the replica’s cache at write time, then use graph semantics to interpret cache maintenance messages from concurrent updates.

Data model and API

Facebook focuses on people, actions, and relationships. We model these entities and connections as nodes and edges in a graph. This representation is very flexible; it directly models real-life objects, and can also be used to store an application’s internal implementation-specific data.


TAO needs to handle a far larger volume of data than can be stored on a single MySQL server, therefore data is divided into logical shards.

MySQL mapping

Each shard is assigned to a logical MySQL database that has a table for objects and a table for associations. All of the fields of an object are serialized into a single ‘data‘ column. This approach allows us to store objects of different types within the same table, Objects that benefit from separate data management polices are stored in separate custom tables. Associations are stored similarly to objects, but to support range queries, their tables have an additional index based on id1, atype, and time. To avoid potentially expensive SELECT COUNT queries, association counts are stored in a separate table.