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TweetQueued systems are build on top of direct systems.
TP systems offer both queued and direct transaction processing. They offer both client-server and P2P direct processing.
Queue manager is best built as a naive resource manager atop an object-relational database system. That system must have good concurrency control, recovery, triggers, security, operations interfaces, and utilities.
Queues pose difficult problems when implemented atop a database:
Performance: An enqueue transaction is an insert followed by a commit. This places extreme performance demands on the concurrency control and recovery components of a database – it exposes hotspots and high-overhead code.
Concurrency control: The dequeue transaction typically involves deleting a record from the queue, processing the request, enqueuing results in other queues, and then committing. Serializable isolation requires that there can be at most one dequeue executing at a time against each queue. This suggests that queues need lower, indeed specialized, isolation levels.
Read past: locks allow a program to skip over dirty (uncommitted records) to find the first committed record. This is what a dequeue() operation wants.
Read through: locks allow a program to examine records that have not yet been committed. This is useful in polling the status of a queued request that is currently being processed.
Notify: allow a program to wait for a state change in a lock. This allows a dequeue() operation to wait for one or more queues to become non-empty.
MOM - message oriented middleware
TP - transaction processing
P2P - peer to peer
ORB - object request broker